Walmart Worker Turns In $350 He Found In Parking Lot–His Good Deed Ends Up Costing Him His Job

By Qunki Team | wtf

1 This is Mr. Michael Walsh, a Niskayuna, N.Y. Walmart employee

He had found $350 in the parking lot and decided that instead of keeping the large sum like most humans, he would actually return it.

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Random Joke

Little Johnny's neighbour had a baby but it was born without ears.

Little Johnny and his mum went to visit the baby but he was warned if he mentioned its ears he would be in trouble.

Johnny looked into the cot and said 'what a lovely baby, good feet hands and skin. How is his eyesight?'

The Baby's mother replied that it was perfect.

Jonny replied 'That's good cos he'd be fucked if he needed glasses!'

2 But when he went back inside to tell the manager, the woman who had lost the money was furious

She was almost convinced that somebody had taken the money, not that she had lost it. Michael then decided to hold the money until she left to avoid any accusations.

3 Once she had left, a fair amount of time had passed

After about approximately 30 minutes, she had left and he had the chance to give the money back to the manager. This certainly made him look suspicious, even though he should not have.

4 He had received a call days later from the manager he had given the money to

Instead of just commending him for returning the cash, he was treated with an accusatory eye and grilled about just how he came upon the money.

5 He felt that he was being treated as a common criminal

This is not the treatment he expected from upper management as an employee of 18 years.

6 He is now fired, and he has lost more than just his salary

Though the paycheck is the biggest loss, the 20% employee discount he had used to get holiday gifts. In addition, he was really very close to the lifetime 10% discount that employees of 20 years or more receive.

7 Fair or Foul?

Obviously we just got one side of the story, but we can actually empathize with not wanting to admit to finding cash in front of a customer convinced that it was just stolen. Still, you have to turn it in ASAP for risk of just looking even the slightest bit guilty.

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